EGOLF stands for "European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing, Inspection and Certification".  It is the main representative body for third party, independent and nationally recognized organizations involved at a European level in testing of materials, components or products in support of fire safety legislation. Members of EGOLF may also be involved in inspection and/or certification related to the fire safety legislation.  EGOLF activities are mainly centred on passive fire protection.  In the testing area this covers reaction to fire and fire resistance performance. 

 The predominant sector is products and materials for the construction industry, but other key areas include textiles and transport (rail, marine, aerospace). Some members are also involved in active fire protection (design and testing of sprinkler systems, automatic extinguishing systems, smoke vents etc.).  Additionally some members provide certification and inspection of products and services.  Since it was established in 1988, EGOLF has contributed widely to both improving the level of personal fire safety and to minimizing the losses and damage caused by fire in the environment, through the development of harmonized European test methods and by promoting the quality of its member services.  EGOLF also provides a forum for discussing problems related to fire tests, and promotes research and development of fire testing activities. 

EGOLF was founded in 1988.

Posted on 17/07/2018 at 11:47